Category Archives: Archive

Jesus Old Members’ Group XL Network E-AGM 2019

This year’s Jesus Old Members’ Group XL Network AGM, like last year’s, will be a digital/virtual affair, though there will be the opportunity for everyone to ask questions and suggest ideas via the Secretary, prior to the AGM, and there will also be the opportunity to meet the Committee and other members face-to-face on the morning of Saturday, April 6th following the All Alumni Dinner on the previous evening.

You can download a pdf file containing the following documents for the E-AGM by clicking here.

  • AGM Notice
  • AGM Agenda
  • Chairman’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report

We look forward to seeing many of you again at the E-AGM, as well as at the All Alumni Dinner

JCR Christmas Greetings

Wishing evryone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

PS The planned date of the next JCR has had to be rescheduled, and is currently awaiting confirmation, but sometime in March 2019 is on the cards.

Kew Gardens Visit 6th September 2018

The Temperate House at Kew Gardens has recently reopened after a long period of reno-vation, and it was felt that now was an opportune moment for a visit by the group. There will be a guided tour of the Temperate House, followed by lunch at the Ma Cuisine bistro (next to Kew Gardens Station).

The programme is as follows:-
10.50am – Congregate at the Victoria Gate Information Desk for the guided tour.
11.00am – Guided tour leaves Victoria Gate for the Temperate House.
12.50pm – Meet at the Victoria Gate for 10 minute walk to Ma Cuisine bistro.
1.00pm – Lunch at Ma Cuisine (50m from Kew Gardens tube station).
(NB Tickets should be retained if you want to return to the gardens after lunch.)

The full cost for entry to Kew Gardens, guided tour and lunch with a glass of wine is £50. Members who are Friends of Kew or can gain free entry by other means (but not by climbing over the wall!) may pay a reduced amount of £37.

You can download a copy of the flyer in pdf format, which gives full details and an itinerary for this event, by clicking here, while to request a Booking Form please send an email to:- ev****@jo**.org.

Jesus College Old Members Day – 23rd June 2018 Update

Exciting, changing, interesting… Make your own choice but all these words are applicable to this year’s Old Members’ Day. The programme is split in two: presentations in the morning and a river trip in the afternoon with lunch in Hall to put a splendid sandwich together.

Following an initiative from the Development Office, Dr Mark Williams (current University lecturer in Celtic Studies) will give a talk on the First Chair of Celtic at Jesus, the history of the Chair at Oxford and introduce his own research. It will combine the historical narrative of the subject at Jesus with the world-class new research taking place in Celtic Studies at the College today. As you know, the Celtic Chair is close to being re-established.

To follow there will be a short presentation from MICA architects (the firm responsible for the stunning refurbishment of the Ashmolean) on the redevelopment of Jesus College’s Northgate House, the new fourth quad. There will be an audience Q&A session – the architects have been warned!. This development is a wonderful opportunity for the College to meet the ongoing challenges facing the College and University.

After a prompt lunch in Hall, we take a river boat on the Isis leaving from Folly Bridge at 2.30pm. It goes to Abingdon past Iffley, Sandford and the Abingdon locks. The river is always interesting along with its bird life.

For weather worriers, there is an enclosed lower deck with tea and coffee – but no food. The boat returns to Folly Bridge at 6.30pm.

The timetable is:
1) 10.30am Coffee and Tea in the Ship Street Centre
2) 11.00am Presentations introduced by the Principal:
– The Celtic Chair – Dr Mark Williams
– Northgate House – the architects
3) 12.45pm Lunch in Hall
4) 14.30pm River trip from Folly Bridge


Malcolm McIvor
Email: ma************@bt********.com
Mobile: 07808-921730

Cowbridge Event 5th-6th June, 2018


Max Perkins (1964 English Language and Literature) has very kindly arranged a visit to Cowbridge spanning Tuesday and Wednesday, the 5th and 6th of June 2018. The event will  include guided tours, trips and related talks, together with various meals.

You can download a copy of the flyer in pdf format, which gives full details and an itinerary for this event here, while to request a Booking Form please send an email  to:- ev****@jo**.org.

Wallace Collection Visit – 25th October, 2017

Jesus College Old Members Group has arranged a guided tour of the Wallace Collection which is home to one of Europe’s finest collections of works of art, paintings, furniture, arms & armour and porcelain. Hertford House in Manchester Square – the home of the Wallace Collection – is conveniently located in Central London, just a few minutes walk from Oxford Street, Baker Street and Marylebone Village.
The proposed itinerary for Wednesday, 25th October, 2017 is as follows:-
2.45pm – meet for tea/ coffee in the central atrium
3.30pm – the guided tour
5.00pm – leave for a convivial drink nearby.
6.15pm – dinner at a nearby restaurant.
Cost of Guided Tour – £12.50 to include tea/coffee

NB. As this event is a guided tour, the number of available places has had to be limited to a maximum of 20. Early booking is therefore advised.

**Important announcement – This event is now fully booked**

Wallace Collection Flyer
Wallace Collection Booking Form

The Old Members’ Group Bursary has now been Achieved

As its 450th anniversary approaches, the College launched the 2021 Campaign to raise funds to secure tutorial fellowships, scholarships and bursaries for generations to come.
The Old Members’ XL Group has been contributing to the College for many years and has raised more than £300,000, which has supported over 150 students equally shared between men and women. The Group was invited by the College to participate in the 450th anniversary fund- raising, and after meeting the College and following discussion at our AGM, the Committee concluded that the best approach was to support an undergraduate bursary.

Thanks to the generousity of XL Network members, we have now raised over £100,000 to secure an undergraduate bursary in perpetuity.


Jesus Curry Recusants (JCR)

In the late Summer of 2016 a small number of Alumni – prompted mainly by Steve Walker and mostly from around the years 1968 and 1969 – decided that an occasional get-together at a restaurant somewhere in London would be both a pleasant and administratively straightforward way of keeping in touch with each other, as well as providing the opportunity to enjoy the cuisine of the sub-continent.

The inaugural gathering duly took place at the Temple Bar restaurant just off of Fleet Street, and was preceded by drinks in the conveniently adjacent El Vino wine bar. The general feeling of those present was that the quality of both the company and of the cusine fully justified repeating the experience, and a second gathering was duly organised – with a similar positive outcome.

Meanwhile, the number of Alumni showing an interest in attending future events had grown significantly, and the email distribution list now contains over 40 members, covering a wide range of Matriculation years – though there is still plenty of room for any former students wishing to add their names to the list. Should you wish to be informed of future meet-ups then just add your name, email address, subect and year of matriculation to the form below and you will receive a regular Newsletter containing details of the next event. You can, of course, unsubscribe at any time.

Subscribe to our mailing list

* indicates a required field

The current plan is now to meet every two or three months in order to enjoy a drink and a curry – not to mention scintilating conversation – though there is no presumption that this will always be at El Vino and the Temple Bar. Suggestions are always welcome as to the possibility of eating and drinking at other venues – provided, of course, that Peter May and Norman Wright remain within easy staggering distance of a railway station with connections to the south coast!

We hope that you will join us at the next event and look forward to seeing you then. Full details in the Newsletter!

Old Members Day 24th June 2017

Programme for Saturday 24 June 2017

10.30am Coffee at the Ashmolean

11.00am  An insider’s tour of the Museum with Dr Paul Collins

12.30pm Conclude tour and walk back to College

13.00  2 course lunch in Hall

Old Members Day this year will be back in Oxford with an insider’s guide to the Ashmolean Museum. This has been made possible through Dr Paul Collins, who is the Jaleh Hearn Curator for the Ancient Near-East at the Ashmolean. He is also a Hugh Price Fellow at Jesus and a Fellow at Wolfson.

The Ashmolean has had a series of terrific exhibitions recently and we are very fortunate to have this opportunity to learn more from Dr. Collins. This visit follows a tour some ten years ago which was a great success. Family and friends are warmly invited.


Malcolm McIvor

To book please contact me********@jo**.org


Jesus Old Members Group AGM 2017

Dear Fellow Member


This year, in accordance with the the permission granted in Rule 5 of the revised group rules passed at the 2013 AGM, the AGM will be ‘virtual’ for the reasons that are set out below. We shall however meet informally on the morning following Alumni Annual Dinner (the new title for the Jesus Society Dinner) which will be held on Friday 31st March 2017. We hope that you will both attend the dinner and join us on the Saturday morning to express your ideas and thoughts on the events, communication and administering of our Group.

From the Treasurer’s Report, which is attached, you will see that the specific financing commitments made by the Group have now been completed with our substantial ongoing support of current members of College being made through the College Annual Fund. Consequently, the main aim of the Group and the focus of the Committee is developing the social interaction between members. Taking account of this, it does not seem necessary for us to hold a meeting to conduct the small amount of formal business we have.

The virtual AGM, for which relevant papers are attached with this note, will be held from your receipt of this note. You will be able, through me, to put forward any comments, matters of correction, requests for clarification, additional matters of business or objections related to the AGM items and papers. I will respond to any issue and set up a discussion with members, should that be necessary. Any significant matters will be discussed on the Saturday morning, 1st April.

The Committee will be at the Alumni Dinner and surrounding programme arranged by the College. On the Saturday, we have arranged through College that one of our sponsored students will give a talk to us, after which, we will have our get together over coffee. This will replace the AGM, will allow more informal conversations about the College and the Group, and will provide more flexibility in timings and in the shared activities of Group members on the Saturday.

We look forward to seeing you at the Dinner and Saturday morning.

Yours sincerely

Paul Seward

Agenda for the JOMG AGM 2017
AGM 2017 Chairman’s Report
AGM 2017 Treasurer’s Report and Accounts