History of the group

The group, now formally known as Jesus Old Members XL Network is now over 300 strong and was set up in 1990 by Rodney Wright (1962) to reunite old members who matriculated in the years 1959 – 1964.  It has now expanded its remit to include all old members who matriculated 40 or more years ago – currently in or before 1984.

The group arranges informal social events for members, their friends and families. Thus we aim  to complement  the programme organised by the College’s Development Office which can be found in the Alumni section of the College web site.


Details of our  events can be accessed from the menu on the main page menu

If you are not already a member and want to join in the fun please complete the membership form.  There is no membership fee.

Please use the contact form to let us know if you want to attend an event, have an idea for a future event or have any questions, comments or suggestions.

We will not use your personal information other than in accordance with your instructions as expressed on the forms.  For your further security the names of people attending an event will not be published on this site.