It was great to see so many old (and new) faces at our last encounter in December. Unfortunately there were several who were unable to attend because of ‘prior engagements’ etc etc. I am therefore giving advance notice so you can put the next date ‘in your diaries’.
5:30pm: El Vino for pre-prandial libations
7:00pm: Zin (formerly India India) for a spicy dish of Indian origin
Good wine and food, and excellent company, guaranteed
Polite reminder::
a) It is not a requirement to attend both events. It is perfectly fine if you wish to join us just for drinks at El Vino or just for the meal at Zin (8 Crane Court)
b) If you are intending to join us for drinks only, or for the meal only, or for both drinks and meal, then it would be extremely helpful if you would let me know so that everyone can be accommodated. Payment in cash please.
A formal invitation will be sent out in January.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Chris Hicks
Norman we*******@jo**.org