Category Archives: Previous Events

Jesus Curry Recusants (JCR) – 5th October 2023

At a time when good news is at a premium we are pleased to confirm that the next meeting of The Real JCR is scheduled for Thursday 5th October 2023 and will almost revert to the original format. i.e.

                  5:30pm: El Vino for pre-prandial libations

                   7:00pm: Zin (formerly India India) for a spicy dish of Indian origin

Good wine and food, and excellent company, guaranteed

I hope you have been enjoying the summer (and are not stuck in some departure lounge in a distant land).  Peter who usually organises the JCR meetings will be abroad for most of the next few months and I have volunteered to take his place (for one night only).  We shall meet as usual in El Vinos but to make arrangements simpler the meal will be at Zin (formerly India India) just across the road.  Payment in cash please.

Polite reminder::

 a) It is not a requirement to attend both events. It is perfectly fine if you wish to join us just for drinks at El Vino or just for the meal at India India.

b) If you are intending to  join us for drinks only, or for the meal only, or for both drinks and meal, then it would be extremely helpful if you would let me know so that everyone can be accommodated.

Chric Hicks


Norman we*******@jo**.org

JOMG XL Network Visit to Rochester and Chatham

From John Jones

I invite XL members and their guests to join me in Rochester and Chatham in October. This is an area of significant historical interest and offers many interesting places to visit. I have put together an itinerary for Tuesday 3rd and Wednesday 4th October but, if there is sufficient interest to extend the visit by another day, we would be able to get together for further activities in the locality. Should you wish, it is also possible for you to attend on just one of the days.

On Tuesday 3rd October we will focus on Rochester and the activities will comprise:

  • Starting at 11.00, there will be a guided tour of the Cathedral; we will meet in the Crypt Café to start the tour.
  • Some time will be allowed for a light lunch, or a picnic if the weather is fine.
  • At 15.00 we will get together for a guided walk of the town, taking about 90 minutes.
  • Those who do not want to do the walk might like to take a visit to Rochester Castle; the Castle Keep is an English Heritage property giving fine views of the town and surrounding area.
  • In the evening we will have dinner at the Don Vicenzo Italian Restaurant.

On Wednesday 4th October we will move on to Chatham and:

  • At 09.30, we will gather in the Fort Amherst car park where we will have a guide taking us around the site; note that there are parking charges at the car park.
  • At around 11.00, we will move on to visit the Royal Naval Dockyard; during our time there, we will be able to use their excellent catering facilities; parking is free for Dockyard visitors.

There are further places of interest in the area which you might like to visit whilst you are here. If you are interested in doing more, please tick the box on the booking form. Should there be a sufficient number of attendees wanting to extend the visit, I would be willing to organise an evening meal on Wednesday evening and could arrange for a visit to the Royal Engineers Museum on the Thursday.

You will need to arrange your own accommodation if you are with us for more than one day. There is a Travelodge in the middle of Rochester and a Premier Inn a few miles from the centre, plus a number of smallish hotels in Rochester and Chatham.

There is an excellent train service from London; if you are coming by car and not staying at a hotel with parking, the station multi-storey car park is the best option.

If you have any questions on the trip, please contact Paul Seward at se*******@jo**.org who is liaising with me for this event. If you wish to join us, please fill in the booking form and send it to ev****@jo**.org.

A booking form Rochester Booking Form for members  is attached which allows you to determine which activities you wish to participate in. Please let us have this no later than the 15th September 2023.

We look forward to hearing from you.


John Jones

Jesus (not so) Curry Recusants (JCR) Next Meeting 11th July

The JCR next meeting 11th July 2023

Hi Everyone

JCR Gathering 11th July at El Vino in Fleet Street from 5.30pm and in Brasserie Blanc at 7pm

We assemble from 5.30pm in El Vino in Fleet Street for a few drinks before repairing to the nearby Brasserie Blanc at 7pm for a meal.  As usual we will share the costs.  We usually say have just two courses at the Brasserie Blanc but if you do want more, please chip in the difference when it comes to paying. You can pay by cash on the evening or by bank transfer later, which is what most seem to prefer.  I will email everyone the following day with the costs.

Chris Hicks will be in charge on the evening but I will deal with the arrangements up until that point.  I was successful in the Wimbledon ballot and so will my first JCR ever.  I do hope however to make a late drink at the restaurant – maybe!!!

Please let me know if you are attending, if you have not done so already, as it makes the restaurant booking easier.

Many thanks

Peter May


Old Members Day 24th June 2023


Saturday 24th June 2023

We look forward to seeing many of you on 24th June for what I am sure will be an enjoyable day.  This year we will be entirely College based.  We have two very different speakers in the morning who will be pleased to receive questions after their presentations.

Our first speaker is Kelsey Inouye, who is a Supernumerary Fellow in Education at the College. She will speak on ‘Closing the Gap’, her research project which seeks to find a route to transform PhD selection and admissions processes at Oxbridge and thereby make research culture more inclusive.

Our second speaker is Andrew Shapland, who is a Jesus College Supernumerary Fellow in Archaeology.  Andrew as co-curator has spent much of the last year preparing the exhibition at the Ashmolean on Labyrinth: Knossos, Myth and Reality.  The exhibition has many fascinating exhibits and some loan items from Knossos are in the UK for the first time. There will be an opportunity for members to go to the exhibition at the museum in the afternoon after lunch.  Andrew advises that you need to book in advance at            on***********@as****.uk  as weekends are busy.  The entry cost is £14.30 for seniors or £7.65 for Art Pass holders.

Old Members’ Day is very much a social occasion and a chance to catch up with old friends.  Drinks will be served at the end of the morning followed by our usual convivial lunch in Hall.

The day is organised by the Old Members’ Group (XL Network) and is open to all old members and their guests. The programme for the day is as follows:

            10.15  Arrival and coffee in the Ship Street Centre

            10.45  Welcome by Peter May (Chair of JOMG)

            10.50  Kelsey Inouye will talk on ‘Closing the Gap’.

            11.30  Andrew Shapland will speak on Labyrinth: Knossos, Myth and Reality.

            12.30  Pre-Lunch drinks

            13.00  Lunch in Hall

            14.30  End of the formal events but a chance for those interested to visit the                          Ashmolean Museum for the Exhibition Andrew Shapland has co- curated.                                            

The cost of the day is £30.00 per person including drinks and lunch, (but excluding exhibition entry).

Please book as soon as possible using this link, but by 14th June at the latest.

Peter May (Chair of JOMG)  George Reah (Treasurer of JOMG)  (email: ev****@jo**.org)

Jesus Curry Recusants (JCR) – February 2022 Meeting

At a time when good news is at a premium we are pleased to confirm that the next meeting of The JCR is scheduled for the 22nd of February, 2022, and will follow the usual format. i.e.

                  5:30pm: El Vino for pre-prandial libations

                   6:30pm: India India for a spicy dish of Indian origin

Good wine and food, and excellent company, guaranteed

As this is the time of year for making resolutions I’m hoping that as many members of the JCR who are in a position to do so, will resolve to join us on the 22nd of February, but of course I do appreciate, though, that not everyone will be in such a position!

Polite reminder::

 a) It is not a requirement to attend both events. It is perfectly fine if you wish to join us just for drinks at El Vino or just for the meal at India India.

b) If you are intending to  join us for drinks only, or for the meal only, or for both drinks and meal, then it would be extremely helpful if you would let me know so that everyone can be accommodated.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing many of you once again on the 22nd of February, 2022 .


Norman we*******@jo**.org

Visit to British Library Exhibition

Elizabeth and Mary: Royal Cousins, Rival Queens
Wednesday 17 November 2021

The schedule for the day is as follows:
  13.00: An opportunity to meet with fellow old members in The Rocket pub
  14.00 – 14.30: Collect your ticket(s) from Peter May outside the entrance to the Exhibition.
  14.00 onwards: View the exhibition at your own speed.
  15:50: Meet near booking office in the Main Entrance Hall for First Q & A session
  16:50: Meet near booking office in the Main Entrance Hall for Second Q & A session
  18.00: Meal at Carluccio’s restaurant

The exhibition entry ticket costs £8.00 if you are over 60 years of age; or £16.00 if you are younger.

Elizabeth and Mary Flyer
British Library Visitor C-19 Welcome Information
Elizabeth and Mary booking form
British Library Visitor C-19 Self-Declaration

PS. The British Library is now located at 96 Euston Road, NW1 2DB.

Old Members’ Day – Now 4 Sept 2021

As a result of the Pandemic restrictions, it has been necessary to put back the date of this year’s Old Members’ Day until Saturday, September 4th, 2021.

To download an updated version of the details for this year’s Old Members’ Day click HERE

To download an updated version of the Booking form click HERE

Old Members Day – Postponed until 4th September 2021

Oxford Botanic Garden, Rose Lane, Oxford OX1 4AZ

Old Members’ Day has been postponed from 26 June due to continuing requirement for social distancing after 21 June.
Information on the postponement has been sent to everyone who had booked.
New date, with same programme, is 4 September 2021.
Booking temporarily closed to enable those who booked for 26 June to have the opportunity to transfer.

New bookings for the new date expected to open 2 July 2021 and close not later than 15 August.

The programme for the day, which is open to all old members and their guests and is organised by the Jesus College Old Members’ Group (XL Network)

Revised schedule and booking details to follow:


The Old Members’ Group Bursary has now been Achieved

As its 450th anniversary approaches, the College launched the 2021 Campaign to raise funds to secure tutorial fellowships, scholarships and bursaries for generations to come.
The Old Members’ XL Group has been contributing to the College for many years and has raised more than £300,000, which has supported over 150 students equally shared between men and women. The Group was invited by the College to participate in the 450th anniversary fund- raising, and after meeting the College and following discussion at our AGM, the Committee concluded that the best approach was to support an undergraduate bursary.

Thanks to the generousity of XL Network members, we have now raised over £100,000 to secure an undergraduate bursary in perpetuity.