Monthly Archives: December 2024

Jesus Curry Recusants (JCR) – 11th February 2025

It’s time to find out who can attend the first JCR meeting of the new year: 2025.  A number which is the first perfect square and sum of cubes since the thirteenth century when the Magna Carta was signed – I think.

After a full turn out at our last encounter in November, we go from strength to strength.

Zin Restaurant has been booked for the next gathering on 11th February.  The general concensus at our last gathering was that Zin has improved during our absence and being closer to El Vino is now our favourite diner

                  5:30pm: El Vino for pre-prandial libations

                   7:00pm: Zin (formerly India India) for a spicy dish of Indian origin

Good wine and food, and excellent company, guaranteed

Invites and reminders go out a few weeks before that date.

Polite reminder::

 a) It is not a requirement to attend both events. It is perfectly fine if you wish to join us just for drinks at El Vino or just for the meal at Zin (8 Crane Court)

b) If you are intending to  join us for drinks only, or for the meal only, or for both drinks and meal, then it would be extremely helpful if you would let me know so that everyone can be accommodated. Payment in cash please.

Future dates: Tuesday 8th April and Tuesday 8th July

Chris Hicks
