Monthly Archives: December 2023

XL Network visit to “Shakespeare and War” 20th February 2024

Jesus Old Members’ Group Visit to National Army Museum for ‘Shakespeare and War’ Exhibition20th February 2024



We are planning a JOMG trip on 20th February 2024 to the ‘Shakespeare and War’ exhibition currently open at the National Army Museum in London (Royal Hospital Road, SW3 4HT). The exhibition explores some of the ways Shakespeare shaped how we think about soldiers, the Army and how we imagine war and its consequences. This is the link to the museum’s exhibition page

The exhibition is co-curated by Dr. Amy Lidster, a fellow of Jesus College.  In the afternoon she will speak to the group about her research, the background to the exhibition and the curating of the display at the museum.  We hope a couple of current Jesus students (who are hoping to make a career in acting) will come and illustrate the talk with excerpts from the plays.

Glyn Prysor, an alumnus of Jesus College, is the Research Director of the Museum, and he will introduce the museum.   Both speakers will be very happy to take questions from the floor.

There will be the chance to go around the exhibition in the morning or if preferred members could do that after the talks. A detailed look at the exhibition takes 45-50 minutes. There will be a chance to have lunch together either in the museum café or nearby.  Those not in a hurry might be willing to repair to a pub afterwards!

The cost of the day is £28.00 per person, and the outline programme is as follows:

11.00 am        Arrive at the museum and view the exhibition (entry is free).
12.30 pm       Lunch.
1.45 pm          Assemble in the Foyle 1 conference room for the talks.
1.50 pm          Glyn Prysor will welcome us and talk briefly about the museum followed by questions.
2.15 pm          Dr Amy Lidster on ‘Shakespeare and War’ followed by questions and comments.
3.30 pm          Finish (or view Exhibition, which closes at 5.30 pm)

I think this should be a really good event and I look forward to many of you joining us on this visit.  The booking form is here

 Peter May (Chair of JOMG)

Advance notice of 2024 events: update

Dear All

I hope that you all have a good  year so far. As many of you plan your diaries well in advance and disappear off to remote parts of the UK and far-off countries, I thought that you might like to pencil in our events for the rest of 2024:

The next JCR meeting will be on 26th September for drinks at El Vino followed by (or just for) the customary meal now back at Zin (formerly India India) (8 Crane Court)

There will be an event in Windsor, the highlight of which will be a conducted tour of Windsor Castle on THURSDAY 10TH OCTOBER. Booking has now closed

Best Wishes


Jesus Curry Recusants (JCR) – 27th February 2024

It was great to see so many old (and new) faces at our last encounter in December.  Unfortunately there were several who were unable to attend because of ‘prior engagements’ etc etc.  I am therefore giving advance notice so you can put the next date ‘in your diaries’.

                  5:30pm: El Vino for pre-prandial libations

                   7:00pm: Zin (formerly India India) for a spicy dish of Indian origin

Good wine and food, and excellent company, guaranteed

Polite reminder::

 a) It is not a requirement to attend both events. It is perfectly fine if you wish to join us just for drinks at El Vino or just for the meal at Zin (8 Crane Court)

b) If you are intending to  join us for drinks only, or for the meal only, or for both drinks and meal, then it would be extremely helpful if you would let me know so that everyone can be accommodated. Payment in cash please.

A formal invitation will be sent out in January.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Chris Hicks


Norman we*******@jo**.org